Two months ago, Samsung initially rolled out the flagship One UI 3.0-based Android 11 update to the Galaxy M30s. The company is now starting to push the more stable One UI 3.1 for its affordable mid-range smartphone. Yes, Galaxy M30 users can now upgrade their smartphones to One UI 3.1 update. The latest patch knocks the M-series phone with a host of new features and improvements. Here you can check everything about Samsung Galaxy M30s One UI 3.1 update.
In the early phase, OTA (over the air) update is working on weeding in India, and we can expect a wider spread in the coming days. Apart from this, One UI 3.1 comes with M307FXXU4CUD1 software version number with a download size of 744MB. You can connect your smartphone to a stable Wi-Fi connection for uninterrupted installation. The update brings a number of changes to the Galaxy M30s. A group of users have already received the update on their smartphones.
The latest One UI 3.1 update on the Galaxy M30s comes with features like Private Share, Close Sharing, Eye Comfort Shield, Location Data Removal, Auto Swap feature along with some other features. The update will also raise the security patch to the March 2021 security patch. You can also access the standard features of Android 11 after upgrading to the latest update. Here you can check the changelog before sideloading the latest build.
Samsung Galaxy M30s One UI 3.1 Update – Changelog
- Security Patch Update
A software update can include, but is not limited to:
- Device stability improvements, bug fixes
- New and / or enhanced features
- Further improvements to performance
So, this is a change that Samsung shared with the latest update, and the company doesn’t say much about the changes, but we can expect, users can use the above-mentioned features after updating to One UI 3.1 update.
If you are using Galaxy M30s in India, you can easily download the latest patch. In the event that you do not receive the OTA, you can manually update the Galaxy M30s to the latest version or you can wait a few days to receive the airborne update. You can download Galaxy M30 firmware manually by following the below tips.
Read also: Samsung Galaxy A21s & A51 receiving Android 11 Based on One UI 3.1